Big size corrugated cardboard boxes, special boxes for the shipment of hanging garments: Scatolificio Emmepi Box Factory, Empoli, Florence
Scatolificio Emmepi Srl
Scatolificio Emmepi Srl: italiano

Contact Us

Emmepi Box Factory is located in Tuscany, in Via Ciambellana n°1, in S. Ansano – Vinci (FI) Italy.
GPS coordinates: Latitude 43.758166; Longitude 10.944453

For more information, or if you want to request a quote or any other specific need, you can contact Emmepi Box Factory using this telephone number (+039)0571 584589, or by email sending a message to or using this form:

Scatolificio Emmepi Srl
Phone: +39-0571-584589 - Fax: +39-0571-584242

Whatsapp: 390571584589

  • Fondo aiuto investimenti, POR FESR 2014-2020-Azione 3.1.1 sub a3

© 2001-2024 Scatolificio Emmepi Srl. Capitale sociale € 65.000 I.V. Reg. Imprese Firenze 03452650488 - R.E.A. n. 360722 - VAT Nr: IT03452650488